Rethink Food

Rethink Food is a not for profit company. We are working to achieve food security for life by changing the way we think about food whilst also working to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. These 17 goals are an urgent call for action by all countries to work in global partnership to end poverty and other deprivations by improving health and education, reducing inequality, preventing obesity and spurring economic growth whilst tackling the huge environmental concerns of tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.

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FareShare Yorkshire

provides schools with a weekly delivery of food, access to an education resource via the Rethink Food Academy platform, school assemblies, pupil workshops and staff training opportunities. This is a sustainable resource that helps children to become more carbon resourceful. Children are encouraged to eat to save the planet. Since the Pandemic the organisation has developed a membership scheme where food aid providers pay for a weekly amount of food.

Phone: 0113 873 0016

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